Frequently Asked Question:
If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.
Why do I receive the error message below when I try to open specific PDF forms?
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If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.
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This happens when I try render these PDF files using Quick PDF Library, Foxit Reader, Nitro Reader and numerous other PDF viewers. I can only open the PDF using the latest version of Adobe Reader.
Certain PDF files (dynamic XFA forms) created in Adobe LiveCycle can only be opened in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. When you try to open these files in an alternative PDF viewer, then you will see this error message.
Unfortunately, it's not easy remove this message and modify the PDF so that it can be opened in alternative PDF viewers. The person who created the original form must re-create the form using options that do not restrict which PDF viewers can open and display the file.
Adobe has made the decision that since very few non-Adobe products support these special PDF files, that it is better to show this message -- and require the user to download Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat -- than it is to let the PDF viewer try to render the document.
We strongly disagree with this decision that Adobe has made and will work to try to convince them to reverse this bad policy, which just causes needless confusion for users of PDF.