Frequently Asked Question:
About GetAnnotDest, GetActionDest
I have a pdf file, his internal links to other page is use named distination option. I fond GetAnnotDest and GetActionDest cannot get the destid. How can i get the DESTID?
If the annotation is a "Link" annotation then the GetAnnotDest function is used to get the destination (the DestID). If the DestID is zero it means there is no destination only an action for that Link annotation.
So this means, if DestID is a positive number then the GetDestPage function is used to get the page that the destination points to, but if the DestID is zero then the GetAnnotIntProperty is used to get the action's page.
Another way of doing it for annotations with actions is using these functions:
In addition, for retrieving the destination zoom and location, the GetDestValue function can be used.