Frequently Asked Question:
How to set the Font Size and Type in a Drop-Down Form Field?
Calls to set the font type and size for a Drop-Down field are ignored. Can you test and provide an example of working code for setting the font type and/or font size of such a form field?
Also, according to the AddFormFieldSub() function is supposed to return a temporary field index that can then be used to set properties for the sub-element that was just added. However, while I'm able to add elements to the Drop-Down using that call, the temporary index returned is always zero. How can I get access to the element in order to set its properties. Can different elements in a Drop-Down have different font colors?
The font size and font type of a drop-down form field can indeed be set. I've included some Delphi sample code below that demonstrates how:
i: Integer;
FormField: Integer;
FontIndex: Integer;
FontSize: Extended;
FormFonts: TStrings;
FormFonts := TStringList.Create;
//Reading Form fonts
for i := 1 to PDFLibrary.GetFormFontCount do
//Show available Form fonts in some ListBox
FontIndex := FormFonts.Count; //for example last font from available
FontSize := 16;
FormField := 1; //for example first field
PDFLibrary.SetFormFieldFont(FormField, FontIndex);
PDFLibrary.SetFormFieldTextSize(FormField, FontSize);
With regards to the AddFormFieldSub function, this will not work with items in a drop-down-list form field because different elements in a drop-down-list cannot have different font types or colors, so a temporary form field index is not necessary.