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Library finds extra form field that doesn’t exist


I'm finding that the QuickPDF Library (both versions 7.23 & 7.24) is finding an extra form field in several of my PDF's that isn't there. In one of my forms, I have a field called Name_Of_Campaign. The library is finding that field fine, but it also finds another one called "Name_Of_Campaign." So, to be clear, the two fields that it finds (but should only be finding one of) are:



This same pattern seems to occur in some of my other forms as well where it finds this mysterious duplicate field with a period at the end of the name of the field. When I view the fields in the PDF using a 3rd party viewer (PDF X-Change Viewer), it doesn't show this extra field that the library seems to pick up.


A ".' character in a formfield indicates a child field. If you created a field called "Parent.Child" you will get two form fields created in the PDF.

  1. Parent
  2. Parent.Child

We would need to see the original PDF's see exactly what is happening in this case but it is related to the "." character somehow.

You can create a support case at and once you have a Case # you can attach your PDF any reply.

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