Frequently Asked Question:
Problem opening pdf after MergeFileListFast
I use MergeFileListFast with 10 or over 500 pdf. When I try to open the pdf result, Adobe Reader tells me that it can't be opened because "the file should be damaged or this type of file isn't taken in charge"
This is my PHP code:
$filename = "C:\\mypdf.pdf";
$filelist = "mylist";
$this->qp->ClearFileList ( $filelist );
foreach ( $pdf_list as $pdf_filename ) {
$this->qp->AddToFileList ( $filelist, $pdf_filename );
$retour = $this->qp->MergeFileListFast ( $filelist, $filename );
What's wrong?
My guess is that one or more of your PDF files is encrypted. If a PDF has had security applied to it then you won't be able to merge it with another PDF because Quick PDF Library will not be able to access all of the objects and resources in the encrypted PDF that are required during the merging process.
So in cases where PDF files have some security applied to them, it is necessary to decrypt them before merging them. All of Quick PDF's security functions can be found here.