Frequently Asked Question:
Using C# and the DLL edition of Quick PDF Library
Can you provide some sample code for how the DLL edition of Quick PDF Library works with C# within Visual Studio?
This is a short demo of how to use the DLL edition of Quick PDF Library with C#.
// Add the namespaces (first you'll need to. You will need to add a reference to the
// C# import file for the DLL edition.
using System.IO;
using QuickPDFDLL0717;
// Put a button onto the form and add this code to the Click event:
// Create an instance of the class and give it the path to the DLL
PDFLibrary qp = new PDFLibrary("...path where the DLL is stored...\\QuickPDFDLL0717.dll");
// Check if the DLL was loaded successfully
// Check the license key
// Draw some text on the PDF
qp.DrawText(100,500,"Hello world from C#");
// Save the new document to disk